The Ordination To The Priesthood Brings Back To The Home-Parish

After two years of an unforgettable COVID-19 pandemic it is an early Christmas gift for the local church of the Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan (AVC) to have once again a new priest in the name of Rev. Ariz Raymundo Gempes Olan, a resident of Brgy. Malabo, Victoria who will be ordained on December 2, 2022, 9:00am at Good Shepherd Parish, Victoria through the imposition of hands and invocation of the Holy Spirit by His Excellency Most. Rev. Gilbert A. Garcera, D.D., the Archbishop of Lipa with the theme “Tu me non elegiste; te autem elegi ego.” A latin Bible verse from the Gospel of John 15:16 which means “You did not choose me, but I chose you.”

Many parishioners from AVC were surprised when they learned that the ordination to the priesthood of Rev. Ariz will be held at Good Shepherd Parish because they thought that the ordination to the priesthood must be held at the Cathedral of Sto. Nino, Calapan City. However, there were also few diocesan priests who were ordained in their own respective parishes but it did not become a practice for a long period of years because of some practical reasons. But for this time since Rev. Ariz is the only one to be ordained on December 2 the Mission Council decided to do this most awaited event in his life at Good Shepherd Parish which is also his home parish.

Moreover, there are significant reasons why Rev. Ariz’s Ordination to the Priesthood brings back to the home-parish. First, for practical reasons: since most of his family members, relatives, friends, significant persons, prospect visitors or guests for the ordination, grade school and high school classmates are from Good Shepherd Parish so it has a great chance for them to be able to attend the ordination since they don’t need to travel for an hour going to Calapan and also in terms of the preparations it is easier and more convenient for them to work since the human and other resources are quite available there. Second, it is also an opportunity to promote vocation to the priesthood especially in his home-parish. Third, for Rev. Ariz Good Shepherd Parish, Good Shepherd Academy and the town of Victoria have been part of his life as a person, as a servant of God and to his vocational journey. Hopefully, this momentous event in the life of Rev. Ariz will be a life-changing experience, a hope for everyone and a moment to encounter Jesus, our Good Shepherd who loves, cares, understands, forgives and finds us every time we got lost. Lastly, the ordination to the priesthood is a gift from God not only for Rev. Ariz but also for the local church of the Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan and for the whole Catholic Church that we must celebrate with joy and thanksgiving.

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